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JFR Notes - Dad's Partiarchal Blessing

This is a fruit of the All Girls Weekend 2010

At the AGW Donna took us to the new Chruch History Bldg. where we were able to order a copy of Dad's Patriarchal Blessing, they sent it Friday and so I'm passing it on to any of you who many not already have a copy.  I also put in a request for Mom's but a letter came today saying that they didn't have any record of her having one, one of the girls said she did, if you have a copy would you send us all the copy, if you know that she didn't that would be good information too.  Leslie

I hope this comes through, I scanned the images Leslie sent but there were thousands of errors. I did a first cut to fix it up. If you find something to fix, let me know and it will be so -  Grant

Dear Brother Johnson, under the authority which I hold as an ordained Patriarch, I lay my hands upon your head to give you the Patriarchal Blessing which you have sought in humbleness and in faith, Brother Johnson, the Lord is pleased that you have sought this blessing and that you have humbled yourself and that you are striving to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and that you a trying to be an example to your family and the Lord will bless you and support you and buoy you up in this undertaking, and through your faithfulness and love end kindness and charity, which you show in your home, you will be the means of bringing your wife and your family into the Church, The joy and happiness which you will receive as a result of this will be unmeasured, The Lord will assist you in bringing this about.

You have been privileged to come forth at this time through goodly and faithful parents and your heritage will be a blessing unto you; and they will be made to rejoice because of your faithfulness and the results of your labors under the influence of our Heavenly Father in behalf of your family and in behalf of others who are influenced by your life and by your works and by the faith which you manifest and the interest which you show in others. I admonish you to work for the good of mankind and you will find satisfaction in this work and as an honorable and upright and just man many will be influenced for good because they will hold you up as an example and as one who is entitled to the respect of his fellow men and particularly those young people in the Church whom you will be able to influence and to whom you will be an example.

As you read this blessing in future years it will be a means of spiritual and mental support and you will receive joy and it will raise you up to feelings of satisfaction, It will be a means of helping you to overcome times of sorrow and trouble and if you live for its fulfillment you will fully realize all that is contemplated by a blessing of this kind. Brother Johnson, continue in your faithfulness in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Lord will open up ways for you to accomplish fully your mission here on earth. He will give you strength and He will help you in times of need and stress and He will help you to overcome the vicissitudes of life and He will bless you with health and with strength and clear vision that you may see ahead the step which you should take and He will help you to accomplish the righteous desires of your heart. You will be blessed that you will always be able to provide suitable and adequately the needs for your family.

Continue your faithfulness. Be patient in your family life. Teach your wife and your children the gospel not only by precept but by example. Be one and companionable and understanding and tolerant and there will arise through this a closeness and a unity and a love in your family which cannot be attained in any other manner. Your children will be brought close to you and you will understand them end they will understand you and your interest in their behalf, The Lord be with you to counsel and uphold you. The Lord will bless you in your associations with other people.

He will assist you in influencing the lives of people for good. You should undertake to be a good neighbor and a good friend under all circumstances. Seek to improve the lot of others. Be a good citizen. Take an interest in civic affairs. Develop your character under the influence of the Spirit of the Lord. Seek every occasion to bear your testimony of the divinity of the truthfulness of the gospel and by so doing your testimony will be strengthened and you will become polished in teaching the word of God, and the principles of the gospel, will be easily remembered and you will be able to, teach them successfully to others.

Brother Johnson, all blessings are predicated upon the faith and the integrity of those to, whom such blessings are given, and realizing this you will recognize, that the blessings which are promised you at this time will depend upon your faithfulness unto the gospel which you espouse. Live the gospel in all of its phases. Your life will be enriched and you will enjoy the companionship of the Spirit of the Lord. Prepare now to join your wife in marriage in the Holy Temple of the Lord that your children might be sealed unto you as man and wife for all time and eternity and the companion of your choice will see and understand the need for, this spiritual union in fully accomplishing the intent of our Heavenly Father in temple marriage, She will be a companion and a strength and a source of comfort to you as you advance in years.

I bless you through the lineage of Ephraim, one of the sons and choice spirits of our Heavenly Father; one who brought joy and satisfaction to his father, Joseph. Through the blessings which flow, as one born under this lineage, you have again recognized the necessity of turning to the Church and of being faithful unto the calling of our Heavenly Father, for you have been called not only through your baptism as a young man under the influence of your parents, but you have been called anew to carry out a great mission in behalf of your family. Ways will be opened up to accomplish all of the righteous desires of your heart and you will never be without means of providing adequately for your family.

Now Brother Johnson, I seal these blessings upon you in all sincerity and pray that the Lord will be with you, indeed, to help you carry out fully your mission here on earth so that when it has been finished you will be recognized by our Heavenly Father as one faithful to His covenants and you will come forth on the morning of the First  resurrection crowned with immortality and eternal life, I do it all in the name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen.

Reed D. Andres
Stake Patriarch
