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JFR Notes - Barbara
Don't know the date for the first story
A Barbara Story
(July 1988) I can remember going into the bathroom with him after work to watch him wash up. I always thought that it was so amazing how he would wash from his wrists to his elbows and then wash his whole head and come out completely dry just from using the towel.Barbara's Family Stories - 1996
I had been thinking and thinking for quite some time as to what story would be good. Tony came over for dinner one Sunday and between the two of us we came up with this one... When Tony and I were around the ages of 11 and 8 we were playing in the "Bat mobile" car, you remember the old Oldsmobile with fins? I don't know how long it had been in the back of the house, but as we were playing in it one day, Tony pushed in the cigarette lighter. When it popped out, he thought that it would be funny to chase after me with it to try to touch it to my skin.Of course, I was pretty much screaming as I was running saying that it was going to hurt me. So, to show me that it wasn't really warm, he pressed the lighter up against his cheek. I believe that he is still sporting a ring-worm like scar on his lower right cheek.
One other Tony story... He had just come out of the shower with just his clean (at least I am assuming that they were clean) underwear on and he was hiding behind the lower linen closet door that is in Mom's hallway taunting me by saying, "You can't see me. You can't see me." Unfortunately for him he had forgotten about the full length mirror at the end of the hallway which revealed everything to me, kind of funny.