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JFR Notes - Julia

From November 1996 reunion in Phoenix

Julia's Family Story - November 1996
I often relate family stories during the course of a normal day to anyone who will listen. They seem so amazed that I have such fond memories or that we are so close even in our old age. When I go out to dinner with someone, or to someone's house, and they ask me if I would like dessert, I always say, "Yes, but just enough to dirty a plate." Whenever it was our turn to wash the dishes and there was dessert to be had, oft times we would be too full to really have dessert, but we would go ahead anyway. We all thought when it was our turn to wash the dish that dessert was being eaten for the express purpose of dirtying another plate.

And speaking of dishes, I remember that Sara would never wash silverware that came after the initial gathering. I can't remember if she ever actually got away with that, but I do remember her complaining if silverware was thrown into her water later on.