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Mom Stories - 1988
Phoenix 1996
August 1995 reunion
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Mom's Last Day
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Our Mom

Mom's Stories

Mom's family story - November 1996
One day when we were on the farm I was seemingly alone (there was probably a baby in one of the bedrooms) when two hoodlums drove into the yard. "Satan" made such a fuss so I went to the front door to see what they wanted. They said they were looking for work, but I told them we did not have anything for them. They kept trying to make conversation, but, when they would start toward the house, Satan would really get upset and he would not let them put a foot on the little piece of lawn we had in front of the house. I had never seen him so vicious.

As I thought about it later, I think he probably saved my life that day, or from a fate worse than death. GOOD DOG!

I will add this other one as I think about it sometimes and have to smile because it was so uncharacteristic of dad.

As we know, the Idaho nights usually get cool enough for good sleeping. But we do have some nights that do not cool off that much. This was one of those nights.

We were sleeping in the big front bedroom with the sliding window open. I had the place right under the window and during the night, about 3:00, a breeze wafted in and I reached down and pulled the sheet up. Dad got up and stomped around the bed and said "MOVE OVER, if you don't want that air, let me have it!"

And ever after that, when ever we were in a strange bed, I would always ask him which side he wanted.

Mom Stories - 1988 Reunion
It must have been our second spring on the farm when the Hoebelheinrichs from across the tracks wanted to go home for a visit and they asked "Little Dick" to do the chores for them. It was during the Easter vacation and April Fools Day came on Sunday that year. One of their cows had just had a calf, so there were special instructions for that. Dad and I both cautioned Dick to do this or that, etc.

When he came home from doing the chores that Sunday morning I asked him how things were and the said the calf had died during the night. My heart sank and I wondered how this could be explained when they got home. But just before time to go to church Dick said "April Fool".

We all know how much Chris enjoyed eating her "treats" slower than anyone else, so she could still be enjoying hers when theirs were all gone.

On a trip to Grand Junction one time (I think we just had 5 or 6 kids then) when we went through Green River, UT. We stopped to get ice cream. The three girls were all sitting in the back seat and just out of town a little way there was a dip in the road that Dad hit sort of fast and all three of the cones came back in their faces. They were so mad! And it ruined Chris' trick to have the last lick.

I think that was the trip when Scott got so sick with asthma and had to be put in the hospital overnight.

From Mom's Memory
When we lived in Mountain Home, Sara had a cat named Volkswagen. He was a wild Romeo and came home one day missing one eye. Thereafter, we called him Motorcycle.

His brush with death did not interfere with his roaming. One day as Dad was getting home from work, the girl next door collared him to tell him her cat had kittens and that Motorcycle was the father. She felt that we should be partially responsible for the kittens. Dad (in the straight-faced way that only he could do) asked her if any of the kittens had only one eye. She said no. That solved the mystery. None of the kittens were his.

Mom said she remembers when cars first came out with turn signal lights. Everyone said that they would never last.

Remember when Chris named Monica. Her full name is Monica Nicole Marks so her initials are M 'n M.

I will add this other one as I think about it sometimes and have to smile because it was so uncharacteristic of dad.

As we know, the Idaho nights usually get cool enough for good sleeping. But we do have some nights that do not cool off that much. This was one of those nights.

We were sleeping in the big front bedroom with the sliding window open. I had the place right under the window and during the night, about 3:00, a breeze wafted in and I reached down and pulled the sheet up. Dad got up and stomped around the bed and said "MOVE OVER, if you don't want that air, let me have it!"

And ever after that, when ever we were in a strange bed, I would always ask him which side he wanted.