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JFR Reunion Photos

April 1, 1993
JFR 1993
Front row: Grant, Melinda, Emily, Megan (S), Megan (J)
Second row: Craig, Julia, Chirstopher, Barbara, Ken, Leslie, Larry
Third row: Joey, Ithala, Shelley, Mom, Nan, Nathaniel, Christopher
Fourth row: Dick, Marleen, Courtney, Brandon, Rudy, Darrell, Sherry, Donna(?), Gordon Scott

1993 Reunion Notes
Dear Family
I just received a short note from Chris and was reminded why she should still be the family historian, because she writes so well. But falls the task still falls to me. I started this letter some time ago and ran into writer's block. Now I am ready to continue.

I was just thinking, how would Brian (M) start a letter recounting the reunion? Something like, 'everyone always never takes me serious when I say I'll get that reunion report out right away'. We missed those who couldn't come, but not enough to keep us from eating like pigs, laughing like hyenas, and busy like bees. We still wish all could make each reunion but scheduling everybody to one time and place in this universe is quite a task. Nonetheless, Scott and Nan provided quite a good time for this year's reunion.
I arrived at Scott's house on Wednesday and was treated to the royal welcome. We spent the night reminiscing and talking computers and stuff.

Thursday, the rest of the crowd arrived. Shelley and Rudy had been out sight-seeing for a few days, Mom, the Hill's, Johnson's, Farrer's, Gittens, and Sansoucie's all were assembled by around noon. The Winters and Catlett's/Johnson's were represented by Ithala and Darrell respectively.

We had beautiful places to stay on the beach in Lincoln city Oregon. We were to follow Scott from Vancouver and stop for a rest/sight see at the Oregon temple. Some of us found a more excellent way to get to Lincoln city and still see the temple. Larry proved to be a better guide to sight-seeing than Scott. Julia, Craig, Barbara, and I followed him until we found our beach house. We recommend Larry be appointed family guide.

The first night we all got together for pizza at the local pizza parlor. We took plenty back to the house for the rest of the weekend, but we decided to have candied popcorn and a bunch of other goodies right after dinner.

Saturday, we had to go play 9 to 18 holes of golf. We found out who the real players were and who were the hackers. Turns out most of us are hackers. Go figure. Notwithstanding the non-rain that occasioned our play, the scenery was fantastic. Not being a golfer, I enjoyed the Oregon countryside and time to be with the family. We spent most of the rest of the day enjoying the beach and getting reacquainted with each other. It was a bit cool for this old Texan but who can resist a walk on the beach?

Shelly spearheaded a fine Mexican dinner for everyone sometime on Friday, excellent.

Saturday night we had the family meeting, the notes follow. The night was spent on the beach by a fire. It was cold but the fire helped, and we watched some fireworks while passing the time telling stories.

Sunday was a relaxing day and most everyone left. Since I was one of them, I don't have any idea what happened after that, so I’ll go on to the meeting notes.
Meeting Notes
We talked about a variety of things, of course most of them were not reportable. Mom is planning a trip around most of the world with Aunt Betty and we talked about getting together on tickets and flight arrangements what with all the 'clout' on the family roster. I don’t know what the resolution was to all that. Mom said something about her and Betty having some plans already, so someone follow up on that, OK?

Mom said she told Joyce (Gifford) that she was down to her last dollar and so Joyce brought her a roll of toilet paper. She also went to Brooks (Dannett) blessing. Betty came out in June and went to Wyoming and Colorado camping, and they actually saw some stars. You don't get to seem much in the east, or a lot of other places now days either.

Dicks family report contained information on ages best left unreported. However, he did say that Rachel was getting married, in fact she did.

Leslie reported that she is the young women's president and Larry is the scout master, sounds like they are busy. Their kids are busy with life.

Donna still has three kids. They keep her busy and it sounds like the saga continues in the Hill family.

Darrell reported for Chris. He said she couldn't attend because she was in a deep blue funk. We hope she is over it by now. I think she might be by the flavor of the letter she sent me. He also reported that the storage shed was finally built, we were all glad to hear that.

Scott said Nan is primary president, Shelly is at Ricks, Joey is in sports (working on his ego), Mindy is tall and her and Megan will be in home school next year.

Ithala reported that she is in the 9th grade and in gymnastics. Her mother (who is 40) has 1 gray hair but is still working at Ore/Ida.

Grant has been in Texas over three years now. Work is going well, and he is dating a co-worker named Mireya.

Shelley has been in Arizona four years now. Rudy has 20 years with the phone company. Brian couldn't attend the reunion because of driver's education. Brandon and Courtney seemed to be doing well as they were there. Brandon is a senior this year.

Julie said her train of thought slipped the track but was able to salvage some details. She is the primary president and Craig is the Elders quorum president and a Sunday school teacher in Malaysia. They will be there about 1 to 1 1/2 more years.

Barbara said Ken is working in electrical wholesale and doing well. She figured out that asphalt was not rectum trouble. The kids are doing well in school and of course, are very talented. They will be in a new home soon (they are now).

The Christmas list - or, who has who?
Giver Receiver
Dick Grant
Leslie Shelley
Donna Julia
Chris Tony
Scott Barbara
Sara Dick
Grant Leslie
Shelley Donna
Julia Chris
Tony Scott
Barbara Sara

That should do it. I have delayed this so long that now I need to get the family letter out. Hard to believe the time goes by so fast. You parents who have “bored” kids tell them to enjoy the time they have as it goes so fast when you get old. You don’t even have to have kids to have the time go by so fast.

I love you all
