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JFR Reunion Photos

April 1, 1995
JFR 1970

1995 Reunion Notes
There will be skiing on January 1, 1996, be there.

Leslie delivered a report that there was some family history, in Dutch, forthcoming. (No follow up report was delivered in the 1996 reunion about this.)

We are planning a trip to Alaska in the year 2000. The cost is about $1500.00 per person and need to be booked one and a half years in advance. The duration is one week.

We discussed the Christmas list for 1995 and it is history now.

Ben gave a demo on knives. After seeing how easily they cut a variety of items, Larry observed that these could be easily used by O.J.

That’s all.

The brevity of this report proves that it is better to get the minutes out soon after the event. Just look at the minutes for 1996 to see what I mean!


P.S. This year we made a tape of Mom answering some prepared questions, the transcript can be found here. I recommend checking it out, it is great!