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Dad Notes

JFR Reunion Photos

November 8 - 11, 1996
JFR 1970

1996 Reunion Notes
We had a grate time! That's as in, "Tony, the Grate". I think about all the fun stories we have to tell and the good times we have when we get together. This reunion was fun. We owe Shelley and Julia many thanks for the time spent planning and executing, then letting us overrun Shelley's house for the weekend.

The reunion happened on November 8 - 11, with the big events on Sunday the 10th. Those were the family stories and talent show. The stories were grate, the talents were fun. Some of us displayed more talent than others but all were entertained and amused.

The following report is the minutes and notes as taken during the Saturday family meeting and the Sunday talent/story show.
Act 1
This reunion is co-produced by Shelley and Julia so there is no reunion next year.

Tony is in charge of the 1998 reunion.

Melinda is doing the family letter and is very happy to do it.

The letter is due the 15th of April and October - that's every year.

We spent a lot of time discussing Christmas presents, who get's them, who gives them, what is the order until the next millennium?... The answer appears on your New and Improved address list. Shelley and I have worked out the order for the next three ('96 - '98) years and put it on the back of the addresses. It will be updated as the address's are updated. Please keep me (the family secretary) informed about changes that need to appear on the list.

Grant will continue as the family secretary, even though he did not do it last year. (He promises to get the minutes for the last reunion out with the transcript of mom's tape from last year.)

Note: I took notes on the schedule for Saturday and Sunday but am presenting the events in the past tense as that is when you will be reading this.
Act 2
Saturday events
Four-some for golf at 1:50.

The rest of us went to the park down the street and played volleyball and other things. Chris took the cue from Justin that park time was nap time.
4:00 - came back to the house and had dinner (a sub sandwich). This sandwich was about 8' long and very good. It is gone now.

We played laser quest (with Brandon), at the end of Saturday. We separated the killers from the killed, but had more fun than we expected. Brandon, that was a good suggestion.

Sunday was stake conference, so we stayed home.

Breakfast was toast, oatmeal, and hot chocolate. Shelley didn't think the oatmeal would "sell" but it was all consumed.

Richard was supposedly leaving at 5:00, which was going to impinge on the schedule. We worked around his and Scott's departure times.

A nap was scheduled but never taken.

Monday morning hike to South Mountain Park was been canceled because of Julia's Death Valley field trip.

Gordon was going to make an announcement but chickened out of announcing his engagement. (Later at laser tag, he confirmed to me that he was getting engaged to a very nice girl and he was looking forwardto it.)----------------------
Act 3
Sunday Nov 10, 1996
Stories and talent day.

Emily was elected as video-ographer and received endless advice on shooting video. Scott said he would edit the video and send us all VHS copies.

Story presentation order
Following is a short note on each story. A full account is in the Family Stories file.

Barbara - story of bat mobile (Oldsmobile with fins) and cigarette lighter. Tony's underwear story.

Tony - meeting with Grant in Germany and meeting the man in the K�ln cathedral.

Julia - read by Donna. Julia tells family stories during a normal day.

Shelley - the younger children were farm hicks, talked about transition to city life from the farm.

Grant - story about dad chasing him into the desert and mom and I going down town.

Sara - Chris visited her on her birthday, a dog (Tipper) was abandon in Rupert.

Scott - story of his first and second airplane rides.

Chris - more of a remembrance. 30th birthday, August 1978. Made everyone cry.

Donna - summer, and a day at the drilling rig with dad.

Leslie - as told by Shelley. Story of prayer on Barnwell street.

Dick - summer, home from school recollection.

Mom - a Rupert farm story about two hoodlums who came into the yard, saved by Satan, the dog. Also, a not-as-cool-as-normal night with dad.
Rudy - story of dad with a shot gun.

Act 4
Talent Show - order selected at random

Tony-guitar playing, his own song.

Barbara - refused to vacuum. A collection of her most embarrassing moments.

Chris - a dramatic reading from Gone with the Wind.

Shelley - a violin recital.

Mom - quilting abilities showing 2 pillow shams. She also passed out table runners for Christmas gifts.

Richard - told two favorite stories/jokes.

Grant - piano playing "From A Wigwam", ("Far Away From Home") and tidbits of family stories as gathered from Mom's tapes of last year.

Scott - juggling with Joey helping out on the talent by playing the recorder.

Donna - Played "Jealousy", on the piano. She played it at the Miss Rupert Pagent.

The reunion was a tremendous success. A good time was had by all, wish you were here, see you in the funny papers, etc.

I came away with the feeling that I need to be more committed to the family, life, and true principals in general. I find that I often go through life waiting for some event to happen before making a decision about the next event. It is not too late to become proactive and actually make events happen as I would have them to turn out so that I can enjoy the things I want to, rather than pick from the leftovers of circumstances. That is how we are supposed to be living our lives anyway, make a difference based on correct principles and we will be the most fulfilled.

We had a good turn out this year even if there was some concern about getting folks here before we actually got here. It is quite a task to get together from so many distant locations. However, it was worth the trip.

We are looking forward to Tony's reunion in '98.