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JFR Reunion Photos
July 11, 1998

Back row to front row.
Fifth Row: Rudy, Leslie, Larry, Justin, Gordon, Christine, Monica
Fourth Row: Shelley, Courtney, Scott, Dick, Donna
Third Row: Mom, Melinda, Nan, Emily, Sherry
Second Row: Grant, Trudy, Megan Marlene, Christopher
First Row: Tony, Ken Barbara, Benjamin, Megan
1998 Reunion Notes
July 9, 1998 Trudy and Grant arrived in SLC. They were the first to come to the reunion.
July 10, 1998 Matinee, saw Trudy's aunt Trudy. Played trivial pursuit and beat the girls. Played the cruise game, Donna had the best categories.
July 11, 1998 Others got here and we played sand volleyball. The games were close. Gordon (Jr.) suggested a game with the "players" during which time Trudy was able to regal the troops with the story of Grant and Trudy's meeting and getting together. They told embarrassing stories of my youth including nick names best forgotten.
7-11-98 12:37 Official start of the family meeting.
We began gathering on Thursday 7-9-98. Trudy and I were the first to arrive and the best. Friday was the real day of gathering. After a 12:00 matinee, we were besieged with folks and we played games into the night.
Barbara said the opening prayer. Donna opened her house to us and we were glad the we didn't meet at Tony's house.
The year 2000 reunion is supposed to be a cruise. Barbara had checked with cruise lines. An Alaska cruise has many options but a one way leg of 4 days will be about $3000/person. Some discussion for going on another cruise for less money and longer time. After some discussion of money and places it was decided that we would look into Mexico or the Carribean since Alaska is so expensive and time for travel is limited.
There was discussion for who has who for the Christmas list. Grant got a hand for doing the family address list and Christmas list.
Melinda Johnson passed out a family history of dad's dad by his dad.
The family letter - we will have one and Melinda or Emily will publish it. Tony will be the reminder for all of us. He will send out reminders so we will be making contributions twice a year in March and September. Format of the mailing was discussed and it will be sent in HTML or hard copy to folks without e-mail.
Barbara talked about the next reunion. The reunion will be in Idaho next year. The possibility for going to Lake Powell or a church camp near Sun Valley was discussed. Open for discussion. Another option is going white water rafting near McCall. Will investigate the white water rafting at McCall and stay at Barbara's house. She also had fun games that we can play when we are there.
The play today begins at 3:30, so we should leave at 2:30. 2801 Main street.
Brain Merjil will be coming home August 23. Plan on being there. There is the possibility of seeing the water ballet. Barbara sings and Shelley, Donna, and Sherry perform! Don't miss it.
Mom is going to Aunt Betty's next week.
Dick is doing fine. Nathaniel is in Long Beach and they were able to visit him for about 15 minutes. One of the windows is out in their missionary apartment. Rachel and Ryan are living with them while they are remodeling their house. Chris is getting married in a couple weeks. He is marrying Angela Jensen. Ben is home from his mission.
Leslie - Dennis and Stacy are living with them while they are building their house. Her 30 1/2 year old washer died. Leslie had to buy a new one. Travis is now Dr. Gittins. They are living in a one bedroom apartment. It is close to her family. Danette and Steve are still in Wellsville. Steve is recovering from Back surgery. Les will be in second grade for the 17th year. Possibly build a new house in 2 or 3 years. Aunt Betty left a six pack of Bud in the fridge.
Donna - the kids STILL live at home. Gordon leaves for law school in a month. Sherry graduated from college this year. Eric is trying to get on full time with the guard. Gordon is working for Trans West. He is training right now in Toronto. He will be flying Rod Stewart around for the summer. Scott asked "who is Rod Stewart".
Chris - she is the missionaries biggest challenge. She had a home teaching combination come by to visit. Starts a new job on July 20, with the government. She is a Junior in college with a 3.8 GPA. She is expecting a raise in a few months with the new job. Work and school are full time and a part time job. Monica is in school to become a civil engineer. They are good with numbers but don't have the personality to be an accountant. Dana is having a baby in July. It is a boy, Coby Christopher Lindaman. The grand daughter Sara is cool. Darrell is in Vancouver. He is to go see Scott. He is doing finish carpentry.
Scott - doing fine. Shelley is in Logan in her senior year. Joey is in the mission and home in December or early January. Melinda is 16, has a car and will be going to Clark College next fall. Megan is doing great and is musically talented. Scott is flying again after heart surgery. Nan is the stake primary president. Scott is the stake clerk.
Grant - we have talked about marriage and then in the family meeting we talked about the date for the marriage. I work for Nortel and have been there about 8 months.
Trudy works for Holden Graphics Services. A printing company. She has two children, 11 and 9.
Shelley - Rudy is going to celebrate 25 years with the telephone company. He is teaching the 8 year olds and they call him the Rude-dude. Shelley is working at the Arizona heart hospital, the same job at a new facility. She is getting another certification which will give her some more letters behind her name. She is the ward primary president and loves it. Brandon went on a mission and came home. Courtney was please to find that Brandon was the problem child right now. He is doing tech support at MCI right now. Brian will find Brandon a woman when he gets home. Brian will be home August 19. Shelley and possibly Rudy will be going up to Alaska and take a look around before he comes home. He met a sister missionary and is serious about her. Courtney moved out for a short time. She is making some changes in her life. She will be going to school in August. After the onset of reality they (Shelley and Courtney) are really good friends. They are enjoying Phoenix.
Julia - is going back to school for her masters in Geology. She has a new house in Chandler and there is still hope for her.
Tony - his life is very boring. He is still working at the print shop and likes it. Has no women or marriage plans right now.
Barbara - Ken is working for NextLink since April 1. It is a small office. He is teaching Sunday School. Barbara is still at Idaho timber. Christopher turned 17 and is working hard this summer. He is going to Phoenix in July into August. Megan is off for the summer. Will be 16 in August and will take drivers education in August. They put in a sprinkler system, Ken spends his time waiting for the sprinklers to come on and they watches them work.
Dick suggested that we buy something for Mom for Christmas. Donna will do it this year. There is the problem to collect money. Whoever is in charge of the reunion will be in charge of the gift, so Barbara will make the selection next year.
That is the family meeting. We will collect for family photos.
We went to the play and had a good time. Afterwards, Shelley and Grant grilled burgers and dogs and the whole gang chowed down. After just over an hour of Pride and Prejudice, we met for ice cream and cookies. It was great. Some more games, videos, visiting, and folks began to disperse bringing an official close to the reunion.
July 10, 1998 Matinee, saw Trudy's aunt Trudy. Played trivial pursuit and beat the girls. Played the cruise game, Donna had the best categories.
July 11, 1998 Others got here and we played sand volleyball. The games were close. Gordon (Jr.) suggested a game with the "players" during which time Trudy was able to regal the troops with the story of Grant and Trudy's meeting and getting together. They told embarrassing stories of my youth including nick names best forgotten.
7-11-98 12:37 Official start of the family meeting.
We began gathering on Thursday 7-9-98. Trudy and I were the first to arrive and the best. Friday was the real day of gathering. After a 12:00 matinee, we were besieged with folks and we played games into the night.
Barbara said the opening prayer. Donna opened her house to us and we were glad the we didn't meet at Tony's house.
The year 2000 reunion is supposed to be a cruise. Barbara had checked with cruise lines. An Alaska cruise has many options but a one way leg of 4 days will be about $3000/person. Some discussion for going on another cruise for less money and longer time. After some discussion of money and places it was decided that we would look into Mexico or the Carribean since Alaska is so expensive and time for travel is limited.
There was discussion for who has who for the Christmas list. Grant got a hand for doing the family address list and Christmas list.
Melinda Johnson passed out a family history of dad's dad by his dad.
The family letter - we will have one and Melinda or Emily will publish it. Tony will be the reminder for all of us. He will send out reminders so we will be making contributions twice a year in March and September. Format of the mailing was discussed and it will be sent in HTML or hard copy to folks without e-mail.
Barbara talked about the next reunion. The reunion will be in Idaho next year. The possibility for going to Lake Powell or a church camp near Sun Valley was discussed. Open for discussion. Another option is going white water rafting near McCall. Will investigate the white water rafting at McCall and stay at Barbara's house. She also had fun games that we can play when we are there.
The play today begins at 3:30, so we should leave at 2:30. 2801 Main street.
Brain Merjil will be coming home August 23. Plan on being there. There is the possibility of seeing the water ballet. Barbara sings and Shelley, Donna, and Sherry perform! Don't miss it.
Mom is going to Aunt Betty's next week.
Dick is doing fine. Nathaniel is in Long Beach and they were able to visit him for about 15 minutes. One of the windows is out in their missionary apartment. Rachel and Ryan are living with them while they are remodeling their house. Chris is getting married in a couple weeks. He is marrying Angela Jensen. Ben is home from his mission.
Leslie - Dennis and Stacy are living with them while they are building their house. Her 30 1/2 year old washer died. Leslie had to buy a new one. Travis is now Dr. Gittins. They are living in a one bedroom apartment. It is close to her family. Danette and Steve are still in Wellsville. Steve is recovering from Back surgery. Les will be in second grade for the 17th year. Possibly build a new house in 2 or 3 years. Aunt Betty left a six pack of Bud in the fridge.
Donna - the kids STILL live at home. Gordon leaves for law school in a month. Sherry graduated from college this year. Eric is trying to get on full time with the guard. Gordon is working for Trans West. He is training right now in Toronto. He will be flying Rod Stewart around for the summer. Scott asked "who is Rod Stewart".
Chris - she is the missionaries biggest challenge. She had a home teaching combination come by to visit. Starts a new job on July 20, with the government. She is a Junior in college with a 3.8 GPA. She is expecting a raise in a few months with the new job. Work and school are full time and a part time job. Monica is in school to become a civil engineer. They are good with numbers but don't have the personality to be an accountant. Dana is having a baby in July. It is a boy, Coby Christopher Lindaman. The grand daughter Sara is cool. Darrell is in Vancouver. He is to go see Scott. He is doing finish carpentry.
Scott - doing fine. Shelley is in Logan in her senior year. Joey is in the mission and home in December or early January. Melinda is 16, has a car and will be going to Clark College next fall. Megan is doing great and is musically talented. Scott is flying again after heart surgery. Nan is the stake primary president. Scott is the stake clerk.
Grant - we have talked about marriage and then in the family meeting we talked about the date for the marriage. I work for Nortel and have been there about 8 months.
Trudy works for Holden Graphics Services. A printing company. She has two children, 11 and 9.
Shelley - Rudy is going to celebrate 25 years with the telephone company. He is teaching the 8 year olds and they call him the Rude-dude. Shelley is working at the Arizona heart hospital, the same job at a new facility. She is getting another certification which will give her some more letters behind her name. She is the ward primary president and loves it. Brandon went on a mission and came home. Courtney was please to find that Brandon was the problem child right now. He is doing tech support at MCI right now. Brian will find Brandon a woman when he gets home. Brian will be home August 19. Shelley and possibly Rudy will be going up to Alaska and take a look around before he comes home. He met a sister missionary and is serious about her. Courtney moved out for a short time. She is making some changes in her life. She will be going to school in August. After the onset of reality they (Shelley and Courtney) are really good friends. They are enjoying Phoenix.
Julia - is going back to school for her masters in Geology. She has a new house in Chandler and there is still hope for her.
Tony - his life is very boring. He is still working at the print shop and likes it. Has no women or marriage plans right now.
Barbara - Ken is working for NextLink since April 1. It is a small office. He is teaching Sunday School. Barbara is still at Idaho timber. Christopher turned 17 and is working hard this summer. He is going to Phoenix in July into August. Megan is off for the summer. Will be 16 in August and will take drivers education in August. They put in a sprinkler system, Ken spends his time waiting for the sprinklers to come on and they watches them work.
Dick suggested that we buy something for Mom for Christmas. Donna will do it this year. There is the problem to collect money. Whoever is in charge of the reunion will be in charge of the gift, so Barbara will make the selection next year.
That is the family meeting. We will collect for family photos.
We went to the play and had a good time. Afterwards, Shelley and Grant grilled burgers and dogs and the whole gang chowed down. After just over an hour of Pride and Prejudice, we met for ice cream and cookies. It was great. Some more games, videos, visiting, and folks began to disperse bringing an official close to the reunion.