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JFR Reunion Photos
July 16 – 18, 2004

Front row: ??, ??, ?? Derek, Emma, ??, ??, ??, ??
Second row: ??, Donna, Grant, Trudy, Shelley, ??, Becky, ?? Third row: ??, ??(Eric's Girl friend), Justin, Leslie, Christine, Chris, Barbara,??, Emily, Rachel, Dick, ?? Back row: ??, ??, Sherry, Tony, Eric, Larry, Gordon, Dennis, ?? Ken, Brandon, ?? ...
We were picked up at airport by Brandon Merjil. He had the great good fortune of being “upgraded” from a splashy sports car to a Dodge Caravan. That car held our family with kids just right. We were not as concerned that he might be picking up chicks with a mini-van.
Christine, Monica, Danna, her kids and Shelley were there Thursday night and Barbara and Ken went to Shelley's.
We had Pancakes for breakfast, for dinner, kelua pork, potato casserole, salads, crescent rolls, and more.
Bro. Moyer gave the opening prayer.
Blessing of Quinton was next. Kids kept running into the night.
We prepared for the road rally. Coby got bloody nose just before the rally. We wonder if it was to dry in Utah for his sensitive nose.
Road rally. Very long. but was the highlight of the day. At lunch, pictures were taken, and road rally awards were handed out, there was also some talking and merry making.
This reunion was the best "feeling" reunion. It felt good to be with the family, it felt good to be in Donna's house. It just felt good.
Gordon put a lot of time into the road rally and it showed. We were grateful none got lost.
The boys went out on te clay pigeons. Hand and foot, who would have believed it? Monk premiere.
Let's see . . . here's a little rundown:
Christina, Monica, Dana, and her three kids, Sara, 8, Kobe, 5, and Brooklyn, 6 months were there when we arrived. Gordon, Jr. is living with Donna right now. Barbara, Ken, and Christoper as well as Brandon all stayed at Shelley's house, but were at Donna's much of the time. Sherry and Jim and their baby, Quinton (7 weeks old) came on Friday. Tony came up every day from Salt Lake for most of the festivities.
We had a nice dinner on Friday night at Donna's house. Of course, lots of family came for the evening. Here's who I can remember (besides all those I've previously mentioned): Dick and Marlene, Nathaniel and his wife and their six-month-old baby boy, Nathan, Jr. Emily and her husband, Joe? I can't remember his name, but we met him at the All Girls Weekend. Leslie and Larry came. Eric brought a new girlfriend, Dionna, with her two children, we heard they might build a house together. That's all I can remember that evening.
It was a bit smoky from pie juice burning as the oven was being cleaned, so we all went outside in the backyard for the family meeting. It was a very nice evening. Shelley, Barbara, Sherry and I sang, "As I Have Loved You," a cappella for the opening hymn. Jim and Sherry's baby was blessed. Jim's parents and brother and sister-in-law all came for that. Dick led the meeting and gave some thoughts about missions, life and following the spirit. Leslie handed out family names to each temple-recommend holding family to be responsible for having the work done and returned to her. Finally, Christine has the reunion next year and was unsure what to do and the major consensus was that anyone who could afford it would fly to Washington, DC for some sightseeing and fun. Christine would look into renting a place for everyone or finding an inexpensive place for us to stay. It would be roughly the same weekend as it was this year. Saturday, we all had breakfast together and then participated in a road rally meticulously planned and prepared by Gordon, Jr. He did a great job, but most of us weren't able to finish it . . . especially Trudy and I who had Emma with us who cried the whole time! It was fun, though. We all met back at the park by Donna's house where we ate hotdogs and hamburgers and visited. A few more visitors that day were Rachel and her children, Becky and Rod and their children, and Dennis and Stacy and their children. Marlene's sister and her sister's daughter came for a few minutes to pick up Marlene for a different family function.
That evening, half of the family golfed, and the remaining guys went with Gordon, Sr. to the farm to shoot clay pigeons, while Donna, Sherry (and her sweet little baby), and Derek, Emma and Trudy all stayed home and rested! After we got all the kids to sleep that evening, we stayed up and played hand and foot (of course).
Sunday was relaxing with a nice dinner before we had to head back to Dallas. We made it on the flight with no problem and the kids were great. Overall, it was an outstanding weekend for Trudy and me.
July 16 – 18, 2004

Front row: ??, ??, ?? Derek, Emma, ??, ??, ??, ??
Second row: ??, Donna, Grant, Trudy, Shelley, ??, Becky, ?? Third row: ??, ??(Eric's Girl friend), Justin, Leslie, Christine, Chris, Barbara,??, Emily, Rachel, Dick, ?? Back row: ??, ??, Sherry, Tony, Eric, Larry, Gordon, Dennis, ?? Ken, Brandon, ?? ...
2004 Reunion Notes
July 16 – 18, 2004
The Johnson Family Reunion took place on July 16th – 18th, 2004. The Grant Johnson family flew from Dallas to Salt Lake. The ride was quite turbulent and when we landed in SLC, Derek commented that he was scared from the lumpy parts. This was little Emma Johnson’s first JFR and she had a great time. She got plenty of Aunt time and even improved her walking skills on the few moments her feet were allowed to touch the groundWe were picked up at airport by Brandon Merjil. He had the great good fortune of being “upgraded” from a splashy sports car to a Dodge Caravan. That car held our family with kids just right. We were not as concerned that he might be picking up chicks with a mini-van.
Christine, Monica, Danna, her kids and Shelley were there Thursday night and Barbara and Ken went to Shelley's.
We had Pancakes for breakfast, for dinner, kelua pork, potato casserole, salads, crescent rolls, and more.
The Family meeting
Sherry, Trudy, Barbara, Shelley sang - as I have loved you.Bro. Moyer gave the opening prayer.
Blessing of Quinton was next. Kids kept running into the night.
Saturday morning
Breakfast was muffins, eggs, bacon, sausage, juice.We prepared for the road rally. Coby got bloody nose just before the rally. We wonder if it was to dry in Utah for his sensitive nose.
Road rally. Very long. but was the highlight of the day. At lunch, pictures were taken, and road rally awards were handed out, there was also some talking and merry making.
This reunion was the best "feeling" reunion. It felt good to be with the family, it felt good to be in Donna's house. It just felt good.
Gordon put a lot of time into the road rally and it showed. We were grateful none got lost.
The boys went out on te clay pigeons. Hand and foot, who would have believed it? Monk premiere.
Let's see . . . here's a little rundown:
Christina, Monica, Dana, and her three kids, Sara, 8, Kobe, 5, and Brooklyn, 6 months were there when we arrived. Gordon, Jr. is living with Donna right now. Barbara, Ken, and Christoper as well as Brandon all stayed at Shelley's house, but were at Donna's much of the time. Sherry and Jim and their baby, Quinton (7 weeks old) came on Friday. Tony came up every day from Salt Lake for most of the festivities.
We had a nice dinner on Friday night at Donna's house. Of course, lots of family came for the evening. Here's who I can remember (besides all those I've previously mentioned): Dick and Marlene, Nathaniel and his wife and their six-month-old baby boy, Nathan, Jr. Emily and her husband, Joe? I can't remember his name, but we met him at the All Girls Weekend. Leslie and Larry came. Eric brought a new girlfriend, Dionna, with her two children, we heard they might build a house together. That's all I can remember that evening.
It was a bit smoky from pie juice burning as the oven was being cleaned, so we all went outside in the backyard for the family meeting. It was a very nice evening. Shelley, Barbara, Sherry and I sang, "As I Have Loved You," a cappella for the opening hymn. Jim and Sherry's baby was blessed. Jim's parents and brother and sister-in-law all came for that. Dick led the meeting and gave some thoughts about missions, life and following the spirit. Leslie handed out family names to each temple-recommend holding family to be responsible for having the work done and returned to her. Finally, Christine has the reunion next year and was unsure what to do and the major consensus was that anyone who could afford it would fly to Washington, DC for some sightseeing and fun. Christine would look into renting a place for everyone or finding an inexpensive place for us to stay. It would be roughly the same weekend as it was this year. Saturday, we all had breakfast together and then participated in a road rally meticulously planned and prepared by Gordon, Jr. He did a great job, but most of us weren't able to finish it . . . especially Trudy and I who had Emma with us who cried the whole time! It was fun, though. We all met back at the park by Donna's house where we ate hotdogs and hamburgers and visited. A few more visitors that day were Rachel and her children, Becky and Rod and their children, and Dennis and Stacy and their children. Marlene's sister and her sister's daughter came for a few minutes to pick up Marlene for a different family function.
That evening, half of the family golfed, and the remaining guys went with Gordon, Sr. to the farm to shoot clay pigeons, while Donna, Sherry (and her sweet little baby), and Derek, Emma and Trudy all stayed home and rested! After we got all the kids to sleep that evening, we stayed up and played hand and foot (of course).
Sunday was relaxing with a nice dinner before we had to head back to Dallas. We made it on the flight with no problem and the kids were great. Overall, it was an outstanding weekend for Trudy and me.