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2021 Pumpkin Carving at the Hill's | 2022 Pumpkin Carving at the Hill's |
Thanks to everybody who took the time to write a few things during their interviews. While I was doing this activity I found that it was a little too much to try writing and have a meaningful conversation at the same time. It looks like others found the same issue. Because there was such a wide variety in the amount of detail I got back about each person I found it necessary to take pretty liberal editorial rights. I have condensed much of what I got back into just a few lines. If you would like to contribute more or see something that needs correcting don't hesitate to let me know.
It also appears that I did not get all that was written down. For a few people I did not get any information at all (e.g. G3 & Kate) and a few more I had almost none. If you've been omitted it is not because I don't like you. I just didn't get anything to work with.
Anthony Boyd Johnson was named after two of his uncles. Uncle Red's given name was Anthony and of course there was uncle Boyd. He would like to visit Delta, Utah mostly because he's never been there and kind of likes the name. There were two big reasons for the girl he first had a crush on. As a kid he had dreams of becoming a pilot largely due to the watching the F-111s flying out of Mountain Home AFB. He thought there must be a better way to make a living than working for Pete Neilson and swatting mosquitoes.
Barbara Greer Sansoucie She wasn't really named after anybody but her name came from being called Baby Girl. When she was younger she wanted to be a hair stylist but did not want to be on her feet all day. Then she also wanted to be a CSI investigator. It was love at first sight with Ken. The first time she saw him she told her friend Karen that she was going to meet that guy. Her scariest moment was trying to drive over a high mountain pass near Cedar City, Utah in the winter. It did not go well but at least they did not get eaten by bears. She is currently working as a CPA for the sheriff. Be nice to her because she knows a lot of guys with guns and cuffs.
Brooklyn Lindemann is 12. She does not have a boyfriend but she likes Liam Hensworth. She is a south-paw and her favorite holiday is Halloween. She likes to write a story and perform it with gummy bears because she doesn't have any actors. Her favorite word is Bubbles. She would like to visit Florida and pet an aligator.
Christine Gail Cow-Girl Johnson Marks Catlett Cattlett ?? once met Dick Clark. She got to say she was from Acequia and he was duly impressed. She met her first husband Harlan on a blind date set up by his friends. It wasn't love at first sight and it never grew into love either. Fortunately it has grown into mutual respect now. Christine has a most unusual hobby, collecting ex-husbands. Don't tell Danna or Darrell but Monica is her favorite. (Christine, please clear something up. If I read the profile correctly you were named after 'land of Gayle?' I tried to look that up but did not see anything obvious. Can you elaborate?)
Danna Lynn Lindemann(???) married her Richard 2.5 years ago. She has 2 boys and 2 girls. She was named after Donna? Just one vowel different. (Danna, would you send me more stuff or if your mom reads this she can do the job.)
Donna Lynn Hill has been retired for a while now but has found retirement to be very busy. She is very positive about Dick and Marlene living with them right now as their influence has made her do a lot of things she might not have done otherwise. She loves a good bear steak. I think she met president Reagan (the writing was a little hard to read) but it might have been Ronald McDonald...
Darrell Marks was born on actual Labor Day. (I am pretty sure that during those stressful moments of his youth his mom never mentioned that to him...) He was named after Daryle LaMonica. He likes to collect guns but cannot afford a lot of them. He would like to move back to Northern Idaho where he can keep an eye on those shifty Canadians. He is a carpenter and especially likes to do finish work. He has been with Dusty for 19 years.
Drew James Moyer is 7. His favorite sports are soccer and basketball. He has a favorite TV show but we are not sure what it is. He also has a girlfriend but cannot remember her name. That is ok when you are 7 and in 10 more years your parents will be praying for the same blessing. He has ambitions of becoming a car driver and bowler when he gets older.
Emily Grigg has 2 children. (I don't know their names but in case you have't got around to naming them Snert and Guido would be fine choices.) She lived in Georgia for 4 years and is currently building a home (I think).
Gordon Hill (G2) was named after his father (G1). In his line of work he has met some very famous people, George Bush and Dick Cheney among them. (There was one more name I could not read. It might have been Garth Brooks but not sure.) His favorite place is Santorini, Greece. It looks beautiful.
James Moyer works as a stock broker with Fidelity Investments. He met Steve Young but they don't keep in touch anymore. They built a house last year and he is working on finishing the basement. He likes transportation and sometimes thinks he would have liked to have gone into that. He is a history buff with a special interest in American and English history. He likes to think he was named after James Bond but that rumor may be more stirred than shaken. He met Sherry while on a trip to the Middle East.
Kenneth Sansoucie was named after his grandfather who interestingly enough was also named Kenneth. He likes Hawaii and would like to go back soon. He would also like to visit Australia. He once rode in an elevator with Joan Jett. He did not report breaking into a rousing rendition of I love Rock and Roll for her. Joan sends her thanks.
Julia Kay Johnson is getting ready to drill a well for her new home. If I've understood correctly she is writing a Roadside Geological book. This is not another text book of which she's been the author of several. This targets a more general audience and should be done a couple of years and ready for Christmas. She had early crushes on Kent Stallings and Cory Smith. Cory did not have any money but he was handsome, blond and charming. In her free time she likes to either clean or go stalking geology. This is not currently a crime in any of the 50 states.
Kai Christopher Lindemann had nothing in his pocket at the reunion. His first memory is learning how to walk. He is 10.5 years old and likes math. He has a girlfriend, Emily. For his first name he is not named after anybody but his middle name is the same as his father's.
Larry Gene Gittins was named after Gene Autry. When he grows up he would like to be a commercial pilot or pitcher for the Rockies. He met Leslie in 1960 and they were married in 1966. It took a little work for the love to happen but they've been together for 50 years. Larry moved to Hyrum in 1971 and worked at Gossner's cheese for 23 years and retired as the head of maintenance. He likes to hunt deer and pheasant and loves their meat. He is a gentleman farmer, currently reading Successful Farming. Fortunately he has 10 acres on which he can scratch his farmer's itch. In his youth he decided to swim across the Snake River but he almost drown in the process. He became exhausted on the swim. After he reached the other side his friend stepped on his fingers just to make sure he would not forget the day.
Leslie Francis Gittins taught school for 28 years. She claims her sanity was not seriously compromised by the experience but she does get up at 5:00 to go to the gym. She says she is stronger than Julia and as an added bonus she is nosier. Her first crush was Richard Powell in North Carolina. Julia reported she went with him to an officer's event when she was 12?!? Is that right? She is in the process of making a log cabin style quilt that has 13 colors with different patterns. She been the president of everything she could be in the ward. She's been married to the same guy for 50 years. In her 30s she survived ovarian cancer.
Marlene Edith Johnson Her middle name came from her grandma on her dad's side. Her favorite thing about Dick that he loves her and is nice to her but he is always right, not perfect, just right. They met at BYU and it was not love at first sight. She would like to see England. Like any good mom she does not have a favorite child but Ben claims he holds that position.
Monica Nichole Marks Rumor has it that she was named after a character on General Hospital. She is not married but if you know of a suitable suitor give her a call. Her scariest moment was losing Kobe at the beach, same as Sarah. She has had a hankering to visit Sri Lanka since she was very young. She's met Bruce Willis & Demi More but they had no influence over her carrying a sweat handkerchief during the reunion. Apparently she collects airplanes but there was no information on where she keeps them. She would like to be a golf photographer but said nothing about collecting golfers.
Patricia (Trish) Ann Salzl grew up in Minnesota. She has 1 sister and 1 brother. While visiting her brother in Utah she fell in love with the climate, scenery and trails. She moved to Utah when she was 28 and became a dedicated runner. She has run a lot of races including a marathon and many half-marathons. In her early years she went to Catholic schools. In the second grade her teacher was sister Leodept (a.k.a Leo 'Death'). Her nick-name was appropriate. Since she had such an dislike of children she decided to become a teacher. Trish would like to go to northern California and see the redwoods.
Preston Sansoucie does not have a girlfriend right now. Like his gramps he would like to visit Australia. At age 11 Preston reports that he has driven 25 MPH. Grandpa & grandma might want to investigate that incident unless it was grandpa doing the enabling in which case he might want to blame it on the dog.
Quinton Moyer is a big fan of anything BYU. He would like to vacation in Vancouver, WA. He was named after a MLB player and his most regrettable expensive item was a fuzzy snake. (Oh the humanity!)
Richard William Johnson was named after his pops and was born in Grand Junction, Colorado. He describes his current situation as 'retired and drifting.' His main goal in life right now is to move out of Donna's house but he really appreciates the Hills opening their home during his most recent bout of homelessness. He has an affinity for history and photos of the family.
Sarah Makenzie Lindemann was born in Edmonds, WA and named after a good friend of Danna's. She has never been married because she is pickier than her aunt Monica. (I don't know what the question was that generated the next sentence. I only have the response but the question must have been interesting.) "Went into aunt Stephs's bathroom and came out naked with cotton balls in her rear pretending to be a bunny." She has ghosts in the house as it was built on a pioneer graveyard. She would like to be married in the Payson temple but Mt. Timponogus would do in a pinch. Her scariest moment was losing Kobe at the beach, same as Monica. She is currently a student at Utah Valley University and works at the autism clinic.